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MarTech Vendor Services

Get the story right

If you are a MarTech vendor you need to have conversations that transcend technology. It's a prerequisite if you want to close enterprise deals and climb through the analyst Quadrants and Waves. Together we develop an impactful story that proves business value and shows thought leadership. A good story combines narrative, visuals, and data.

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Do you want prospects and analysts to understand the business value of your software solution?

The sales story

Create a value map and score bigger deals

Empower your sales team with a map that helps them elevate their custom pitch from feature selling to value selling. Based on keywords you can find the overarching framework that places pain points into bigger trends and concepts. This consultative selling builds trust and increases the importance of the solution and eventually the deal size. 

The thought leadership story

Prepare food for thought and get prospects hungry

Become an authoritative voice in your market. By consistently publishing your unique view on events and trends that relate to your services you gradually build a reputation as being a leader in your domain. Your prospects love it, analysts love it and Google loves it. I like to see thought leadership as the bridge between content marketing and branding.

The analyst story

Spark enthusiasm beyond the checklist and move up

Having good analyst relationships can do wonders for your sales and product roadmap. Meticulously checking all the required boxes gets you to a certain level. If you want to stand out as a visionary, you have to brave. Together we pick two or three "hero insights" that shake up the conversation and leave a mark. We want analysts to look forward to our meetings. And we will be rewarded for that. It's a fun game.

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