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Marketing Transformation Roadmap

Get the priorities right

Does your digital transformation fully rely on post-its and PowerPoint decks? Can you prepare for the future using yesterday’s tools? I help business leaders to map the transformation journey using data-driven decision-making.

Marketing Transformation Scan _Intake Mo

Do you want a clear and broadly supported

marketing transformation roadmap?

Why is this important?

The challenge in marketing transformation is not a lack of ambition. It is a lack of alignment and focus. You need to channel energy to the most critical places to keep momentum. In large organizations, this can be difficult to pinpoint. But there is a solution.


Where do we start?

The team starts with an online questionnaire, which takes about 12 minutes to complete. It checks where we are and where we want to go. It is the input for our model to calculate the next steps.


Here are some screen grabs...

What is the actual situation?


Marketing Transformation Scan _Grid Map

What is the desired situation?


Marketing Transformation Scan _Grid Map

How do we use this input?

We use it to populate the predictive model. It's an A.I.- powered engine that calculates and suggests improvements with the highest potential. And it's doing that about four times better than any human could do. Just ask Ray Dalio.

What should we fix first?


Marketing Transformation Scan _Ambitions

How do we define the highest potential?

It's the smallest possible set of changes, with the broadest possible consensus towards the targets that your teams deem essential. It's an iterative approach and the fastest and easiest way to keep moving forwards.


How do we turn insights into action?

Once the suggested priorities are discussed and accepted, a mobile app turns every team member into a change agent with a personalized mission. Individual dashboards show what to do next, whom to align with, and where to get additional information. 

Whom to align with, and on which topic?



After we've done the first set of agreed improvements, we'll move to the next set of topics. Step-by-step towards the big goal.


Focus. Fix. Rinse. Repeat.

  • Where did you get your benchmark numbers?
    Call me a nerd, but I collect research papers on MarTech and ROI. Some are great. Most are not. In general I would be careful with using benchmark numbers in MarTech. There are just too many variables and small differences that make it hard to compare situations and use them to estimate potential. From my ROI work, previous research, and MarTech implementations, I did establish a bandwidth of potential quantified benefits that I believe are realistic. Usually I use them as a starting point for a discussion and we manipulate the numbers on the spot to see the effect. These simulations are equally essential to understand the dynamics, as they are for showing a concrete number at the end. I prefer calibrated estimates from the team over non-validated and non-comparible facts.
  • Why do you like estimates?
    It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong. —John Maynard Keynes
  • You talk about NPV? What's the difference with ROI?
    To calculate the value of MarTech programs I recommend using the Net Present Value (NPV) method. Here you can find my simplified take on the differences between ROI, PP, and NPV calculations and why you need the latter.
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