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An Integrated MarTech Stack? Yes, please!

But what do you mean with "integrated" exactly?

A truly integrated MarTech stack is more than a technical integration of databases.

To be successful, it needs to have distinct business components and reflect the vision of the company.

Besides synchronizing data, you want your MarTech stack to facilitate end-to-end processes and company-wide strategy execution.

System integration, functional integration, and business integration go hand-in-hand, and all deliver unique value sets.

Here is a visualization of the three layers of MarTech integrations.

Integrated MarTech Stack - Romek Jansen

1. System integration enables a single version of the truth and avoids error-prone and time-consuming manual data import and export.


2. Functional integration helps the team to stitch it all together. Cross-tool use cases, processes, and workflows enable omnichannel campaign delivery.


3. Business integration connects strategy to operations. It avoids that management feels like a captain on a containership, and their only way of changing direction is sticking their hand in the water.

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