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- Hello

I'm Romek

I am a MarTech professional helping business leaders transform marketing.


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What drives me

Like you, I love Marketing, and I like to make a difference.


I appreciate a creative TV commercial and a smart digital campaign. But what really gets me excited is how marketing drives business.


With two decades of marketing transformation experience and real-life, in-the-trenches technology implementations under my belt, I always ask myself, how does it drive business?


How will all this help to sell more beer?


The insight that became a mantra

Proprietary research revealed there is only one easy way to successful MarTech implementation; Strategy first, team capabilities second, and technology third.

If you start with a strong tech focus, you'll encounter problems upstream. It turns out the team isn't ready, and the strategy isn't clear. The launch is delayed, or the system adoption is low. 


Avoid the trap. Remember the mantra. Strategy -> Team -> Tech

How I worked with others

Creating synergy between people, process & technology, I helped companies like Unilever, Hewlett-Packard, IKEA, Vodafone, ABN, Philips, Pandora, Bayer, Audi, and KIA to improve their marketing organization.

It is a privilege to have worked with leading software vendors such as Adobe, Salesforce, Sitecore, Hubspot, BrandMaker, Aprimo.

I am co-author of the first book on Marketing Resource Management.


As a speaker at marketing events, I've received consistently high evaluation scores at events in New York, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Singapore, and my home turf Amsterdam.



How did I get here

Mid-nineties I started my professional career in sports marketing, doing Media ROI calculations for pro-cycling teams.


Then rolled over to publishing, got involved in a marketing technology project, and before I knew it, I woke up as a MarTech Consultant.

Now, 20 years later, I’ve done projects in all industries and on almost all continents.


Over the years, I developed vast experience in the MarTech space. First, as a consultant implementing marketing technology solutions. Then as a VP of products building MarTech solutions. Circling back to a marketing role as the interim CMO of a MarTech company.


For the formal things, like diplomas and job titles, check out my LinkedIn page.


It’s been an amazing ride.

And what’s even better, the stuff that’s about to happen will blow our minds.


Feel like connecting? Feel free to send me a LinkedIn invite or fill in the form below.

Speaker Bio

‘Romek is a marketing transformation specialist with 20 years of marketing technology implementation experience. He has worked with top-10 brands in all industries, on almost all continents. His business-driven approach is focused on strategic context, organizational capabilities, and ROI impact. He is co-author of the first book on Marketing Resource Management.'

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